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We use cookies and similar tools across our websites to improve their performance and enhance your user experience. This cookies policy explains this in more detail.

What are cookies?

Simply put, cookies are small text files that store data on your device. This enables web applications to remember your preferences and browser settings.

Why do we use cookies?

Some cookies on our website are essential for general access and functionality. While some cookies are specific to analytics and site improvement, they don't carry any identifying personal information about you.

Analysis Cookies

We make use of the free Google Analytics tool to collect and analyze site data. This also includes site statistics via cookies that track data while avoiding any kind of personal information. These cookies only store IP addresses which can't be linked to personally identifiable information.

Google Analytics cookies

track and evaluate website use, providing us with statistical reports. You can always opt out of track by visiting http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party providers, such as social platforms, for example, may set cookies on your device for their specific features. We are not able to control these cookies, and you will have to visit their respective websites for their cookie policies.

Advertising Cookies (Targeting Cookies)

We do not use any advertising cookies, whether third-party or targeted.

Cookie Preferences

You can accept or decline cookies by adjusting your web browser settings. However, keep in mind that disabling cookies may limit some aspects of your experience with our website.